Home.... 3T Handlebars Aerobars
3T Handlebars & Aerobars for Sale
Latest deals on Handlebars & Aerobars from 3T
There are regular special offers for 3T contact points and we've listed some of the best recent deals on handlebars and aerobars from online retailers.
Price range information
There are 10 main product groups within 3T Handlebars, which includes both road and MTB handlebars,
together with any aerobars. One of the top model ranges is the 3T Brezza
and the prices for the range rise in the following order - we've shown typical mid-prices for each model group.
- 3T Xida - £85
- 3T Extendo - £90
- 3T Ergosum - £180
- 3T Rotundo - £180
- 3T Ergonova - £202
- 3T Sphinx - £225
- 3T Mistral - £243
- 3T Aura - £252
- 3T Zefiro - £432
- 3T Brezza - £530