Home.... Crank Brothers Pedals
Crank Brothers Pedals for Sale
Latest deals on Pedals from Crank Brothers
There are quite often special deals and discounts on popular Crank Brothers pedals, whether its for straightforward flat mtb models or more sophisticated SPD and road versions.
Price range information
There are 7 price levels for Crank Brothers pedals, with products like the
Crank Brothers Eggbeater 1 at the top of the range.
Mid-prices for each model range are shown below in ascending order.
- Crank Brothers Candy 1 - £44
- Crank Brothers Candy 2 - £63
- Crank Brothers Eggbeater 2 - £63
- Crank Brothers Mallet - £67
- Crank Brothers Candy 3 - £85
- Crank Brothers Eggbeater 3 - £85
- Crank Brothers Eggbeater 1 - £194